How Blockchain Transactions Works


What Is Blockchain transaction

Transactions in a blockchain are the fundamental operations that allow the transfer of assets or data. Below, I'll break down the steps of how transactions work in a typical blockchain system, such as Bitcoin.

Steps in a Blockchain Transaction:

  1. Transaction Creation:

    • Initiation: One user (the sender) decides to send a specific amount of cryptocurrency to another user (the receiver).
    • Creating a Transaction: The sender creates a transaction, which includes:
      • The sender's public address (like an account number)
      • The receiver's public address
      • The amount of cryptocurrency being sent
      • A digital signature from the sender, which verifies their authority to send the funds (using the sender's private key).
  2. Broadcasting the Transaction:

    • After creating the transaction, the sender broadcasts it to the blockchain network. This means the transaction is sent out to all nodes (computers) in the network.
  3. Validation and Verification:

    • Node Verification: When the transaction is received by the nodes, they check several things:
      • Sufficient Funds: They confirm that the sender has enough cryptocurrency to cover the transaction.
      • Digital Signature: They ensure that the transaction is digitally signed by the owner of the funds. This protects against fraud.
      • Double Spending: They check to see if the same cryptocurrency has been spent elsewhere at the same time.
  4. Transaction Pool:

    • Valid transactions are placed in a memory pool (mempool), waiting to be added to a new block. Miners or validators will select transactions from this pool to include in the next block.
  5. Inclusion in a Block:

    • Mining or Validation: In Proof of Work (PoW) systems, miners compete to solve a complex mathematical problem to create a new block. In Proof of Stake (PoS) systems, validators are chosen based on their stake in the network.
    • Once a miner/validator successfully creates the block, they add the batch of transactions from the mempool to this new block.
  6. Consensus:

    • The new block containing the transaction(s) is broadcasted to all nodes in the network.
    • Other nodes validate the new block and ensure that it meets all rules and consensus criteria of the blockchain. If validated, it is added to each node’s copy of the blockchain.
  7. Transaction Confirmation:

    • Once the block is added, the transactions within it are considered confirmed. The more blocks added on top of that block, the more secure and irreversible the transaction becomes.
    • Typically, a transaction is considered secure after a certain number of confirmations (for Bitcoin, six confirmations is standard).
  8. Updating Balance:

    • After confirmation, the ledger is updated. The sender's balance decreases by the amount sent, and the receiver's balance increases by the same amount.

Illustration of a Simple Transaction Flow:

  1. Initiation of Transaction

    • Alice wants to send 1 BTC to Bob.
    • Transaction: {"from": "Alice's public address", "to": "Bob's public address", "amount": 1 BTC, "signature": "Alice's digital signature"}
  2. Broadcasting

    • Alice's transaction is sent to the network.
  3. Verification by Nodes

    • Nodes check:
      • Alice's balance
      • Signature
  4. Inclusion in a Block

    • If verified, Alice's transaction is included in a new block by a miner.
  5. Consensus

    • The new block is verified by other nodes.
  6. Transaction Confirmation and Balance Update

    • The blockchain now reflects that Alice has sent 1 BTC to Bob.


Transactions in a blockchain involve several stages, from creation and broadcasting to verification, consensus, and confirmation. Each step is crucial for maintaining the integrity, security, and transparency of the system.

If you have any more specific questions or would like to explore a particular aspect of blockchain transactions further, feel free to ask!